A little about ourselves
to Healthy Paws and we are sure you will find more than you and your pet are looking for all in a warm, caring, pet-friendly environment. We do not sell any pets, but we do have a cat rescue on site doing daily adoptions. We look forward to meeting you soon. And if there is something special you are looking for…just let us know, and we will do our best to fetch it for you, unless its not good for your pet, then we will let you know a better choice.

Established in 2004
Healthy Paws opened May of 2004 in Fullerton. We moved to Whittier in June 2007.

Meet the Business Owner: Dawn
I started this business with the intent that I was going to educate anyone that wanted to know the truth about the pet food industry and teach people how to feed their pet the best. I once didn’t know how to read the ingredient panel on the back of a pet food bag. But, I found that it is imperative to know how to. Our pets health depends greatly on it. I will take the time to teach anyone how to pick out the right food and or treat for your pet. I been cat rescuing since 2001. I loved it very much and with my own business I continue to do cat rescue. I always have some beautiful cats available for adoption. Even if you can’t adopt, come by and pet them, they love the attention.